Schedule by Week
Scoring Leaders
Goal Scorers
Field Locations
Game Days
Play Up form
All Teams
AC Fiorentina MC2 - MC2
AC Fiorentina Mkango OT1 - OT1
AC Fiorentina MP - MP
AC Fiorentina Viola OT1 - OT1
Almonte Adastras MOT4 - MOT4
Almonte Agility WR4 - WR4
Almonte Assassins MR6 - MR6
Almonte Athletics WR4 - WR4
Almonte Lynx OT6 - OT6
Almonte Wildcats OT7 - OT7
Amarok du Plateau MC4 - MC4
Arnprior Spurs MR2 - MR2
Arnprior United MOT3 - MOT3
Arnprior United OT7 - OT7
Arnprior United WR4 - WR4
Arnprior Villains WR4 - WR4
AS Congo OT4 - OT4
AS Gatineau WR2 - WR2
Aylmer Les Rapides OT4 - OT4
Carleton Place Benchwarmers WR3 - WR3
Carleton Place Cyclones WR4 - WR4
Carleton Place Eagles MR6 - MR6
Carleton Place Flyers WR4 - WR4
Carleton Place Kickers WR4 - WR4
Carleton Place Mommas Boys MR1 - MR1
Carleton Place Rangers OT5 - OT5
Carleton Place Tornado WR4 - WR4
Carleton Place WR3 - WR3
CP United MC4 - MC4
CS Aylmer MC3 - MC3
FC Gatineau Daniel-Johnson MC1 - MC1
FC Gatineau Le Dynamo MOT4 - MOT4
FC Gatineau Les Braves OT7 - OT7
FC Gatineau Les Jaguars MOT1 - MOT1
FC Gatineau Les Voyageurs MOT3 - MOT3
FC Gatineau Likam Sporting CF MC2 - MC2
FC Gatineau Likam Sporting CF MP - MP
FC Gatineau WC1 - WC1
FC Serbian Eagles MC3 - MC3
FC St Stefan MC1 - MC1
Fitzroy Harbour Dambusters MOT3 - MOT3
Fitzroy Harbour Dubc FC MR3 - MR3
Fitzroy Harbour Timbers OT7 - OT7
Fitzroy Harbour Wanderers MOT4 - MOT4
Glengarry Highlanders MC2 - MC2
Glengarry Highlanders MR1 - MR1
Gloucester 360S WR4 - WR4
Gloucester Celtic MC1 - MC1
Gloucester Celtic MP - MP
Gloucester Eagles OT6 - OT6
Gloucester Hooligans MR1 - MR1
Gloucester Hornets MC2 - MC2
Gloucester Hornets MOT3 - MOT3
Gloucester Hornets MR3 - MR3
Gloucester Hornets MR4 - MR4
Gloucester Hornets U21M - U21M
Gloucester Hornets WP - WP
Gloucester Hornets WR2 - WR2
Gloucester Impact WC1 - WC1
Gloucester Inter OT1 - OT1
Gloucester Monchengdladbach MOT3 - MOT3
Gloucester Sporting OT2 - OT2
Gloucester Stingers MOT2 - MOT2
Inter Milan OT3 - OT3
Jadran Ottawa A MC4 - MC4
Jadran Ottawa B MC4 - MC4
Jadran Ottawa MC1 - MC1
Jadran Ottawa MOT2 - MOT2
Jadran Ottawa OT2 - OT2
Kemptville Kougars MC3 - MC3
Kemptville Kougars OT5 - OT5
Kemptville Kougars WR1 - WR1
Kingston Jr Gaels U21M - U21M
Kingston United 06 Spurs U21W - U21W
LACA Los Galacticos OT4 - OT4
LACA Los Latinos MR1 - MR1
LACA Los Masters MOT1 - MOT1
LACA Real Chauma MC1 - MC1
LACA Stella Maris F.C MC4 - MC4
LACA Stella Maris F.C MR3 - MR3
Nepean Hotspurs MC2 - MC2
Nepean Hotspurs MOT4 - MOT4
Nepean Hotspurs OT2 - OT2
Nepean Hotspurs OT7 - OT7
Nepean Hotspurs WR1 - WR1
North Dundas OT4 - OT4
North Dundas Sonics MR3 - MR3
North Leeds WR3 - WR3
OASC Glens MOT3 - MOT3
OASC Legends OT3 - OT3
OASC Lynwood Centennials OT3 - OT3
OASC Lynwood Chargers MOT3 - MOT3
OASC Lynwood Hornets MR6 - MR6
OASC Lynwood Hustlers OT3 - OT3
OASC Lynwood Jazz WR4 - WR4
OASC Lynwood Manic MR3 - MR3
OASC Lynwood Red Magic MC4 - MC4
OASC Lynwood Red Star OT6 - OT6
OASC Lynwood Talons MR1 - MR1
OASC Lynwood Wolves MR3 - MR3
OASC Spitfires MR6 - MR6
OASC Spitfires OT1 - OT1
OASC Spitfires OT7 - OT7
OSU Force 06 U21W - U21W
OSU Force 07 U21M - U21M
OSU Force U21M - U21M
OSU Force U21W - U21W
OSU Force WP - WP
OSU Manotick OT4 - OT4
Ottawa Bears MOT3 - MOT3
Ottawa Bears MR6 - MR6
Ottawa Bears OT5 - OT5
Ottawa Bears OT6 - OT6
Ottawa Bears OT7 - OT7
Ottawa Bears WR1 - WR1
Ottawa Bears WR4 - WR4
Ottawa Bolides MOT1 - MOT1
Ottawa Bolides OT4 - OT4
Ottawa City 06 U21W - U21W
Ottawa City 07 U21W - U21W
Ottawa City Blue MC4 - MC4
Ottawa City Blue Squad MC1 - MC1
Ottawa City Eagles OT4 - OT4
Ottawa City KP WC2 - WC2
Ottawa City MC3 - MC3
Ottawa City MR2 - MR2
Ottawa City Royals Blue MOT2 - MOT2
Ottawa City Royals Blue MOT4 - MOT4
Ottawa City Royals MC2 - MC2
Ottawa City Royals MOT2 - MOT2
Ottawa City Royals WC1 - WC1
Ottawa City Royals WR1 - WR1
Ottawa City Silver MC4 - MC4
Ottawa City Silver MOT1 - MOT1
Ottawa City U21M - U21M
Ottawa City WC2 - WC2
Ottawa Eagles MC1 - MC1
Ottawa Eagles MR2 - MR2
Ottawa Eagles OT1 - OT1
Ottawa Falcons Azzurri MR2 - MR2
Ottawa Falcons Black Cats MOT2 - MOT2
Ottawa Falcons Black MC2 - MC2
Ottawa Falcons Bohemians MOT3 - MOT3
Ottawa Falcons Boro MR3 - MR3
Ottawa Falcons Hearts WC2 - WC2
Ottawa Falcons MC1 - MC1
Ottawa Falcons MOT1 - MOT1
Ottawa Falcons MP - MP
Ottawa Falcons MR1 - MR1
Ottawa Falcons MR4 - MR4
Ottawa Falcons OT2 - OT2
Ottawa Falcons Ramblers MOT4 - MOT4
Ottawa Falcons Red MC2 - MC2
Ottawa Falcons Strollers OT3 - OT3
Ottawa Falcons United OT1 - OT1
Ottawa Falcons WR1 - WR1
Ottawa Falcons WR2 - WR2
Ottawa Futsal Club Eagles MR1 - MR1
Ottawa Futsal Club Gold U21M - U21M
Ottawa Futsal Club Stars MC1 - MC1
Ottawa Hellenic MC2 - MC2
Ottawa Hellenic MR4 - MR4
Ottawa Hellenic OT2 - OT2
Ottawa Hellenic OT5 - OT5
Ottawa Hellenic WR3 - WR3
Ottawa Impact MC1 - MC1
Ottawa Impact MC2 - MC2
Ottawa Impact MP - MP
Ottawa Impact U21M - U21M
Ottawa Impact WC2 - WC2
Ottawa Internationals Blitz WR1 - WR1
Ottawa Internationals Condors MR2 - MR2
Ottawa Internationals Goal Diggers WR2 - WR2
Ottawa Internationals Jaguars MR4 - MR4
Ottawa Internationals Leopards OT6 - OT6
Ottawa Internationals MOT3 - MOT3
Ottawa Internationals New Boys MR4 - MR4
Ottawa Internationals Red Devils MR2 - MR2
Ottawa Internationals Storm WR2 - WR2
Ottawa Korean Whitecaps OT6 - OT6
Ottawa Mulenge SMJC MC3 - MC3
Ottawa South United MOT4 - MOT4
Ottawa South United MR2 - MR2
Ottawa South United WC1 - WC1
Ottawa TFC II WC1 - WC1
Ottawa TFC MC1 - MC1
Ottawa TFC MC2 - MC2
Ottawa TFC MP - MP
Ottawa TFC OT3 - OT3
Ottawa TFC U21M - U21M
Ottawa TFC U21W - U21W
Ottawa TFC WC1 - WC1
Ottawa TFC WP - WP
Ottawa TFC WR1 - WR1
Perth Brewers MOT2 - MOT2
Perth Saints OT1 - OT1
Rockers United MC4 - MC4
Rockers United MOT4 - MOT4
Rockers United OT5 - OT5
Rockers United U21M - U21M
Rockers United WC2 - WC2
Russell Raiders MC3 - MC3
Russell Raiders OT2 - OT2
Russell Raiders OT7 - OT7
Russell Raiders WC2 - WC2
Safari Allstars SMJC MC2 - MC2
Saigon United Hoang-Sa OT7 - OT7
Saigon United Truong-Sa OT6 - OT6
SC Bosnia OT3 - OT3
Sdc Cougars OT4 - OT4
Sdc Lions OT2 - OT2
Sdc Masters United MOT2 - MOT2
Soccer Des Collines MC1 - MC1
Soccer Des Collines U21M - U21M
Sporting Peru MOT2 - MOT2
Sporting Peru MR1 - MR1
Sporting Peru OT3 - OT3
St Anthony Azzurri MC1 - MC1
St Anthony Azzurri MP - MP
St Anthony Azzurri WC2 - WC2
St Anthony Code Blue WR1 - WR1
St Anthony SAF 06 U21M - U21M
St Anthony SAF 07 U21M - U21M
St Anthony SAF MC1 - MC1
St Anthony SAF WC1 - WC1
St Anthony The Tonys WR2 - WR2
St. Anthony Azzurri WP - WP
Sunset Lakers MC2 - MC2
Sunset Lakers MC3 - MC3
Sunset Lakers MC4 - MC4
Sunset Lakers WR2 - WR2
West Carleton Talons WR2 - WR2
West Ottawa Benders WR2 - WR2
West Ottawa Gators MOT4 - MOT4
West Ottawa Goaldiggers WR2 - WR2
West Ottawa Greyhounds MOT1 - MOT1
West Ottawa Jets OT5 - OT5
West Ottawa MC1 - MC1
West Ottawa MP - MP
West Ottawa Showcase 08 U21W - U21W
West Ottawa Showcase U21M - U21M
West Ottawa Showcase WP - WP
West Ottawa Spartans OT2 - OT2
West Ottawa U21W - U21W
West Ottawa Warriors MOT4 - MOT4
West Ottawa Warriors WR3 - WR3
West Ottawa WC1 - WC1
West Ottawa WP - WP
Westboro Wolves MOT4 - MOT4
Westboro Wolves MR2 - MR2
Westboro Wolves MR3 - MR3
Westboro Wolves MR4 - MR4
Westboro Wolves OT1 - OT1
Westboro Wolves OT5 - OT5
Westboro Wolves OT6 - OT6
White Eagles MC3 - MC3
White Eagles MC4 - MC4
White Eagles MR4 - MR4
White Eagles OT5 - OT5
White Eagles OT7 - OT7
Future Games
All Games
Past Games
No suspensions to display.
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